Maths and the IB Learner Profile
In our school, we foster the qualities of the IB Learner in all of our children. This is a vital aspect of maths in Kensington as, particularly with our Maths Mastery approach, the skills of the IB Learner help our children develop into strong mathematicians.
We are inquirers
We ask deep, challenging questions and use maths to probe diverse topics
Our maths lessons always challenge us to make connections
We are knowledgeable
We use maths develop procedures, concepts and skills to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems
We learn key maths facts to automaticity
We are thinkers
We evaluate information critically when reasoning and problem solving
Reasoning and problem solving are essential in our maths lessons
We are communicators
We use accurate, technical and logical vocabulary when collaborating with others in maths
Collaboration is essential for mathematical thinking
We are principled
We act responsibly when using mathematical information and consistently interact with others fairly
We are open-minded
We always embrace alternative approaches to learning and using mathematics
We study a range of strategies and representations
We are caring
We respect the needs of others while offering and accepting help in maths
We use maths to support causes such as the NSPCC
We are risk-takers
We learn and use new mathematical ideas and strategies in unfamiliar contexts and take risks with our maths work
We can only be maths masters by taking risks in our work
We are balanced
We maintain other areas of interest while striving to reach our full potential in maths
We look at maths through reading and the entire curriculum
We are reflective
We consider ways to improve our learning and how mathematics affects our lives
We always look at maths in real life contexts