Our Early Years Foundation Stage provides a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment that supports children in their holistic development, ensuring that they are happy, confident and capable learners.
We implement the EYFS framework by providing a carefully planned, broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. We use formative assessment to plan appropriate activities, resources and experiences that will enable children to progress in their learning. We promote the Characteristics of Effective Learning, which encourage children to be active, curious and resilient learners, through outdoor experiences, open-ended play and child-directed learning. Our highly skilled and well-trained practitioners work in partnership with parents and carers to provide a holistic approach to education, ensuring that children are supported in all areas of their development.
Our EYFS provision has a positive impact on children's outcomes, evidenced by their high levels of engagement, progress and attainment from their starting points. Children are confident, independent and enthusiastic learners who enjoy coming to our setting. They develop strong relationships with their peers and the adults who support them. Children are well-prepared for the next stage of their education, as they have acquired the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed for success. Parents and carers are actively involved in their child's learning and feel supported by our provision.
Communication and Language is at the heart of our curriculum
“The ability to communicate – to say what you want to say and to understand what other people are saying – is fundamental to life chances” Jean Gross, Time to Talk, 2013
We support the children in EYFS through Wellcomm.
WellComm is a speech and language toolkit that can be used with children from 6 months to 6 years of age. It is a means of tracking progress of all children and will identify areas of concern in language, communication and interaction. It also provides the staff with fun and engaging ways to support Childrens language skills within the classroom provision as well as focussed teaching.