Our school’s curriculum includes all learning and other experiences that are planned by school, the National Curriculum forms one part of this. Our curriculum will provide all pupils with exciting and stimulating lessons which promote the development of pupil’s knowledge and understanding.
Our curriculum will focus on developing the broad range of human capabilities and responsibilities set out in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile that go beyond academic success. They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
Through the teaching of well-planned and sequenced lessons knowledge is built upon toward clearly defined outcomes. This ensures that pupils are able to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life.
By identifying the skills of the IB learner profile throughout the taught curriculum we will ensure that pupils recognise how they can use these skills to progress effectively and achieve highly therefore addressing social disadvantage.
Our wider curriculum is taught through termly topics where knowledge of the National Curriculum is delivered. Our curriculum has been mapped out in such a way that meaningful cross curricular links can be made each half term, therefore allowing children to become immersed in a topic and develop the skills highlighted in the IB learner profile. All National Curriculum subjects are carefully planned, structured and sequenced with an awareness of the context and demographic of our school, to ensure progression across units of work and across year groups or key stages. Subject leaders have considered the knowledge and vocabulary that they want the children to learn in each subject and this is outlined on the topic cover front sheets. Progression of knowledge, and understanding is carefully planned, reviewed and adapted yearly to ensure that children’s learning builds effectively over time to ensure children know more and remember more. Throughout all areas of the curriculum reading is prioritised. A range of quality texts linked to the topics being taught are available and children are encouraged to research topics independently. Where possible, learning will be supported and enriched by practical resources, WOW visits or visitors.
All staff at Kensington Primary School strive to ensure that from the children’s different starting points, they make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Ongoing teacher assessment will ensure that knowledge and understandings are secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for secondary school and beyond. Children will take pride in all that they do, be motivated to do their best and will demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge. Our staff at Kensington Primary School work hard to ensure all children leave school with confidence in their own abilities and strive to be lifelong learners.