Welcome to Class 5T!
We hope that this page will provide information helpful for class members, parents and carers, as well as exciting updates surrounding our learning and activities across the curriculum.
5T is a class of 26 hard-working, resilient and responsive children from 13 different nationalities. We are really looking forward to Year 5 and all the exciting times and challenges it will bring. No matter how difficult things may get, 5T will stick together!
Our class teacher is Mr C Thomas
Adults who support us in class are Miss T. Crosby, Miss K. Hales and Mrs E. Malek
Our attendance for Tuesday 7th May to Friday 10th May was: 97.8%
Our attendance for last term was: 94.9%
Our PE day is on a Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit with them on this day. This includes a T-Shirt, Shorts and suitable footwear.
You can find this terms curriculum overview below. More information surrounding each curriculum content and coverage can be found our website. Please click the children tab above, and then select 'curriculum'. Click on each subject tab to find out more!
This page will also showcase a range of different images and examples of work from our learning across the curriculum. Please also view our twitter @kensingprimary where examples will be shown too.
Upcoming Trips
Please ensure you bring your permission slips back as soon as possible. Upcoming trips will be listed on our class page, will general guidance surrounding them if and where needed.
Stay and Read
Parents and carers are invited to join us in class for our next 'stay and read' event on
Stay and Puzzle
Parents and carers are invited to join us in class for our next 'stay and puzzle' event - date to TBC.