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Welcome to our class page for 2024-2025!


Our attendance for the week beginning 
03/02/2025 was: 98.7%

Our attendance for last term was: 95%


We hope that this page will provide information helpful for class members, parents and carers, as well as exciting updates surrounding our learning and activities across the curriculum. 

Our class is made up of 25 pupils from many different nationalities! We are proud of our individual identity whilst collectively coming together to belong as members of 5J. 

Our class teacher is Mr C. Jones 

Adults who support us in class are Mr C Telfer, Miss I McMahon, Mrs L Smith, Miss E. Iacovou, Miss B. Jefford and Miss M. Harrison.



Our PE day is on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit with them on this day. Football kits and branded clothing are not allowed. 


You can find our curriculum overview below. More information surrounding each curriculum content and coverage can be found on the curriculum area of our website. Please click the children tab above, and then select 'curriculum'. Click on each subject tab to find out more!

This page will also showcase a range of different images and examples of work from our learning across the curriculum. Please also view our twitter @kensingprimary where examples will be shown too. 


Homework will be set weekly and is often linked to what we have been learning in school. In addition to this, children are expected to read at home every day! We have lots of reading incentives and rewards for home reading - please encourage your children to read at home regularly and bring their book and book bag in to school. 

Upcoming Trips

Please ensure you bring your permission slips back as soon as possible. Upcoming trips will be listed on our class page, will general guidance surrounding them if and where needed.

On Tuesday 8th October 2024 we attended the World Museum to support our learning about space in English and in science! It was great fun and we have posted some pictures of our day out on our X page @kensingprimary 

We have some exciting events planned during the Spring & Summer, including visits from primary inspirations and Viking Warriors!

Parents' Evening

Our next parents' evening for this academic term will be held on Thursday 27th March 2025. Appointments are allocated for 5 minute appointments.

Stay and Read

Photographs from our events can be found on our twitter page @kensingprimary and on our English Curriculum page under 'English Events'. 

Our next stay and read event for this term will be held during the week beginning Monday 3rd February 2025.


Stay and Puzzle

Our next stay and read event for this term will be held during Spring 2. We will notify you shortly of the exact date via a letter home.


Kensington Community Primary School