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Welcome to Class 4T!

Welcome to Year 4 and Welcome to class 4T!

Hello and welcome to Class 4T’s webpage. We are excited to get started and looking forward to the start of a new school year. I am Miss Telfer, your child’s class teacher and we also have additional support staff in year 4 including Miss Byrne and Miss Jefford. 

In class 4T we celebrate diversity and we love that each and every one of us are unique. We aim to show kindness each and every day by sharing random acts of kindness. This year we also aim to grow in confidence and foster a love of learning in all areas of the curriculum. We will develop a good understanding of what good behaviour for learning looks like and will work with perseverance to achieve great things! 

Our class webpage we will tell you all about the different things we do in year 4. Please check our class webpage often. You don’t want to miss out on anything! Remember to follow us on Twitter using @KensingPrimary.


Last year, in the summer term our class attendance was 91.3%

We definitely need to improve this year to gain over the magic 97%!


Sadly, a big drop in our attendance this week - (wb01/07/24) was 93.8%.

Well done! We are above that 97%. Let's keep it up!

It is important that we are in school, on time every day, to meet our full potential. Let's see if we can work on this moving into a new week!

We want all children to be… IN SCHOOL, ON TIME, EVERY DAY!


Our PE day is Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit with them on this day.

Our school PE kit is a white T-shirt and black or navy shorts. Football kits are not to be worn for PE. Please ensure all items of clothing are named, so they don’t get lost when the children are getting changed.


Reading is a very important aspect of learning throughout your child’s school journey. We actively encourage you to read every night with your child. In order for your child to gain reading rewards you need to read with them 4 out of 7 nights a week and sign and date this in their reading record book.


Our Spanish day is Tuesday.  Hola!

Stay and Read - Our next Stay and Read is on Thursday 19th October from 9-9.30am.

Stay and Puzzle - Our next Stay and Puzzle is on Thursday 23rd November from 9-9.30am.

Upcoming Trips

We are visiting the Grosvenor Museum in Chester to experience life as a Roman soldier on Wednesday 24th January 2024. 

Over the year, we plan to have a wide range of WOW visitors and WOW trips to enhance the curriculum and widen each child’s learning experiences.


You can find this terms curriculum plans for each subject below.

Our curriculum map shows the title of each topic we will be studying over this academic year. To find out about each topic in more detail click onto the curriculum pages for each subject.

Thank you for taking the time to read all about class 4T. Remember to come back to our web page regularly to find out what we have been up to and check out our weekly attendance.

Also remember it is very important for every child to be… IN SCHOOL, ON TIME, EVERY DAY!

Miss Telfer - 4T's Class teacher

Kensington Community Primary School