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Welcome to 4C! We are really pleased to welcome you and your children to their new class at the start of the 24/25 academic year! We hope that this page will provide information helpful for class members, parents and carers, as well as exciting updates surrounding our learning and activities across the curriculum. 

The 4C team consists of:

Miss Cant - Class Teacher

Miss Shackleton - Teaching Assistant

Miss Dawber - Teaching Assistant

Miss Mohamadi - Teaching Assistant



For the Summer half-term, our attendance was: 94%

Our attendance last week (WB 03.02.25) : 97.3%! A brilliant overall mark.
Well done to those of you who were in school every day last week! Remember, we must be in school, on time, every day to reach our full potential!



Reading continues to be a huge priority at Kensington Primary and is a very important aspect of learning throughout your child’s school journey. We actively encourage you to read every night with your child. In order for your child to gain reading rewards, you need to read with them 4 out of 7 nights a week and sign and date this in their reading record book.



Our PE day is Friday. All children will need shorts, a t-shirt and trainers - no football kits, please. It is important that children are prepared for PE lessons each week.  

Please ensure that children do not arrive at school in their kit on PE day. They must bring it with them to change into. 



Spanish lessons will take place each Friday, and will be taught by Ms Spa. 

During our Autumn term, we will be learning about self, family and friends. This will include descriptions of our hair and eyes, and talking about brothers and sisters

We will also learn how to add and subtract numbers up to 39, learn about odd and even numbers, and how to double and halve in Spanish

You can find our curriculum map at the bottom of the page.

For further information, please see our Curriculum page. 


Dates for your diary:

Activity Date
Class Trip Chester 21.01.2025
Stay and read

Week beginning 03.02.2025

Stay and puzzle TBC

Our Kensington curriculum aims to develop learners who are:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective 



Cardigans/ jumpers and school ties can be purchased from the school office.



Kensington Community Primary School