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Welcome to our class page!

Class teacher - Miss Swann

Teaching assistants - Miss Brace, Miss Vallance, Mr Sim


3HS is full of enthusiastic, inquisitive children who are always eager and ready to learn

Please find all information about 3HS below



Our attendance for the previous summer term was 91.4%

Last week's (wc. 1/7/24) attendance was 99.2%


Our PE day is Thursday

On Thursdays, your child needs black bottoms, a white top and trainers



If your child is unable to participate in swimming, please speak to Miss Swann and fill in a form. Otherwise, they will be taken swimming as it is part of the National Curriculum

Our swimming day is Monday

On Mondays, your child needs a towel, a swimming costume and a swimming cap



Our Spanish day is Thursday



Any additional curriculum information is on the curriculum tab

Upcoming trips

Our next trip will be confirmed soon

Before this date, you must return your permission slip


Stay and read

Our next stay and read will be on Wednesday 22nd May 2024


Stay and puzzle

Our next stay and puzzle will be on Tuesday 26th March 2024

Kensington Community Primary School